Advancing NC
Public Health
The North Carolina Public Health Association
Mission Statement
North Carolina Public Health Association is an association of individuals and organizations working to improve the public’s health through political advocacy, public awareness, professional development, and the interface between research and practice.
Contact Information
Kim Dittmann, Operations Officer
222 N Person Street
Suite 208
Raleigh, NC 27601
The Fall Educational Conference is approaching!
Use the links below to register and learn more:
Our History
The NC Public Health Association was formed in 1909 by a group of concerned county superintendents of health in an effort to promote public health in North Carolina.
Over 100 years later, our Association of individuals and organizations continues working to improve the public’s health through political advocacy, public awareness, professional development, and serving as an interface between research and practice.
A message from the President.
I am deeply honored and excited to address you as the new President of our esteemed organization for the 2023-2024 term. It is a privilege to stand with a group of dedicated professionals who have long been at the forefront of shaping the health and well-being of our great state. Together, we embark on a journey to strengthen the future of public health in North Carolina, guided by resiliency, determination, and a historic milestone on the horizon.
Resiliency and determination are the cornerstones of our mission. Over the past years, we have confronted challenges that tested our courage. The ongoing global health crisis reminded us of our essential role in safeguarding our communities’ health. In the face of adversity, we adapted, learned, and thrived, demonstrating the remarkable strength of our public health system.
One historic moment we eagerly anticipate is the Medicaid Expansion in North Carolina. This expansion is a testament to the power of advocacy and a significant step toward creating a healthcare system that is accessible and equitable for all. It presents an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of countless North Carolinians, and we must ensure its successful implementation.
As we look to the future, I want to share my vision as your new President. I envision a North Carolina where public health is at the forefront of decision-making, where every community, regardless of size or location, has access to the resources and support it needs to thrive. Our association is a platform for innovation, collaboration, and advocacy, and together, we will lead the charge for healthier communities and a brighter future.
As your President, I pledge to make trust in public health a central theme in our initiatives. By cultivating a culture of trust, we can foster stronger partnerships, engage our communities, and ultimately ensure that the health of every North Carolinian is protected and promoted with unwavering integrity. Together, we will demonstrate that public health is not just a profession; it’s a promise to safeguard the well-being of all.I am excited to work with each of you, learn from your expertise, and champion the values and goals of the North Carolina Public Health Association.
Together, we will make a difference, and our legacy will be a healthier, more equitable North Carolina. Thank you for your dedication and continued support. Here’s to a transformative year ahead!
Warm regards,
Iulia Vann, MD, MPH
President, 2023-2024