
Our Committees

While NCPHA’s Sections and Caucuses are focused on member’s area of public health practice or professional interest, its Committees are the opportunity for members to be involved in the core operations of the association.


Legislation and policy issues necessary to deal effectively with health problems must be the concern of this Committee. NCPHA represents all facets of the health field and the Committee must reflect this in its deliberation. Each year the Committee establishes a legislative agenda. The Committee works together with members, staff, and other organizations to see that public health speaks with a united front.


Examine the financial records of NCPHA for the fiscal year ending June 30 of the previous fiscal year.

Fill out the Willingness to Serve Form if you are interested in serving on one or more of the above committees. The North Carolina Public Health Association is successful today because of the volunteers who give their time time and talents to the future of public health in the state.


This Committee is chaired by the President-Elect and consists of a representative from each Section, the Academic Liaison representative, and a representative from the NCPHA Young Professionas and BIPOC Caucus. All members appointed by the President. The duties of this committee are Program Planning for the Fall Educational Conference.


The Membership & Outreach Committee has a most important responsibility in insuring that NCPHA continues to grow in number and quality of members.


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